Objective: To explore the accessory treatment of schizophrenia by light quantum. 目的:探索光量子治疗精神分裂症的辅助性作用。
The principle of the multipliers is as follows: a light quantum hits the lightsensitive layer and releases an electron. 光电倍增管的原理如下:一个光量子打在感光层上,释放出一个电子。
Observation and Nursing of Cerebral Palsy Treated with Light Quantum Autohemotherapy 脑性瘫痪采用自血光量子疗法的观察及护理
From electrooptic effect, light quantum theory, Compton scattering effect and the matter wave of de Broglie and its statistical law, the teaching method on waveparticle duality in university physics is discussed. 从光电效应、光量子理论、康普顿散射效应、德布罗意物质波及其统计规律等方面对大学物理中波粒二象性概念的教学进行了的研究。
This paper is devoted to how Albert Einstein set up the concept of light quantum independent of Max Von Planck. 本文论述了爱因斯坦是如何独立于普朗克而建立光量子概念的。
The light quantum yield of algae particles is one of the important parameters characterizing the algae response to the environmental factors. 藻类光量子产额是表征藻类对环境因素响应的重要参数之一。
Clinical analysis of treating 70 cases cerebral thrombosis with light quantum 光量子疗法治疗脑血栓形成70例临床分析
Measuring method for the phosphor excited by light Quantum well infrared photodetector material with photoluminescence measurement GB/T4071-1983光致荧光粉测试方法多量子阱红外探测材料的光致荧光谱
Objective To study the effects of light quantum blood therapy on neurosis. 目的研究光量子血疗对神经症的治疗作用。
The Nursing and Observation for the Cerebral Embolism, Lipoidemia, Hemokinesis with Hematal Therapy of Light Quantum 光量子血疗对脑梗塞患者血脂血流变学的观察及护理
At the late stage of maturity, qP, shut electron transmit speed and light quantum yield were still high. 成熟后期,qP、叶片的光合电子传递速率和光量子产量仍较大。
Cases of pulmonary heart disease treated with continuous liquid oxygenation by light quantum oxygen transmission unit, and compared it with patients treated by disposable hyperbaric oxygenation. 采用光量子氧透射治疗仪持续液体充氧,治疗肺心病病人100例,并与采用一次性高压充氧法治疗病人进行疗效对照。
The "wide spectrum" light quantum provided by various states of over thirty trace elements in the TDP emissive plate is the basic physics factor, therefore the emitters have extensive and excellent biological effects. TDP辐射板中含有的三十多种微量元素的不同状态所提供的广谱光量子是该辐射器具有广泛地、良好生物效应的基本物理因素。
The response output depends on the light collecting efficiency in the position where the event happens and the energy of light quantum. 事件的响应输出取决于光电倍增管对于事件发生位置的光收集效率和事件的能量。
In this paper, physical origin and development of photonic crystal is investigated on the base of band theory of solid, electromagnetic field theory and light quantum theory respectively. 从固体能带论、麦克斯韦电磁场理论和光线量子论三个角度分别研究了产生光子带隙的理论基础和分析计算方法。
In the quantum theory of light, the emission and absorption of a light quantum by an electron in the atom is equivalent to the interaction of the electron with the equivalent classical vector potential. This is a simple and important rule. 在光的量子理论中,光子被原子中电子的吸收和发射是等价于电子与一个等效经典矢势的相互作用,这是一个简要规则。
Conclusion Light quantum blood therapy is a safe and easy method for the treatment of neurosis. 结论光量子血疗治疗神经症,尤其是癔症疗效高,安全简便。
In this paper, several methods of developing light quantum efficiency are discussed such as lessening size of TiO_2 crystal and modifying its structure and assist-photocatalysis. 本文主要从提高光量子效率着手,用改变TiO2的晶体结构、TiO2的晶体改性及外加物质辅助光催化等方法,分析提高光催化降解性能的途径。
An introduction of an easy experiment on proving light quantum characteristics ── internal luminous effect 介绍一个验证光量子性的简易实验&内光效应
Light quantum path-integrals methods for Fraunhofer diffraction Fraunhofer衍射的光量子路径积分方法
Application of TiO_2 for photocatalytic degradation of Biorefractory of organic compounds has its special superiority. It's photo catalytic degradation efficiency is mainly related to light quantum efficiency. TiO2半导体作为光催化剂降解难降解有机污染物有其独特的优势,它的光解效率与光量子效率有很大的关系。
High ammonium stress significantly reduced photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, actual light quantum efficiency ( F PSII) and maximum energy conversion efficiency ( Fv/ Fm), but increase initial fluorescence ( F0). 高铵胁迫降低了小麦幼苗光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、实际光量子效率(FPSII)和最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm),但提高了初始荧光值(Fo)。
In the conditions of suspended dust, light quantum flux decreases, temperature of leaf surface rises, stomatal conductance significantly decreases, and stomatal resistance significantly increases. 在浮尘条件下,光量子通量有所降低,气温和叶面温度有所升高,气孔导度明显减小,气孔阻力明显增加。
From quantum hypothesis, light quantum hypothesis and atom model hypothesis in old quantum theory period, to the uncertainty hypothesis, incompatible hypothesis and complementary hypothesis in mature stage. 从旧量子论时期的量子假说、光量子假说和原子模型假说,到理论成熟阶段的测不准假说、不相容假说和互补性假说。
Many efforts have been done to improve the light quantum yield of TiO2 and extent its response to visible light and found doping is a good method. 近年来,人们在提高TiO2的光量子产率及促使TiO2对可见光响应上进行了大量研究发现,掺杂是达到这一目的的有效途径。
Many researchers have made great efforts to improve the light quantum efficiencies of catalyst and its high load. A major focus has been on TiO2 to solve the problem. 为此,包括环境、物理、化学等专业为数众多的研究者将研究集中在如何提高催化剂的光量子效率及催化剂的高效负载上,因此对于TiO2本身的研究似乎成了解决问题的焦点。
The light catching influence as well as light quantum well will increase with the increasing of magnetic field and light power. 光捕捉作用和光能量势阱随着光强和磁场增强而增大。
However, its application in industry still has many problems such as inefficiency of TiO2 photocatalysis light quantum and loss of suspended catalyst. 然而,该技术要实现工业化应用,仍然面临TiO2光催化光量子效率低下及悬浮态催化剂易流失等瓶颈问题。
However, it is still not applied in practice due to its low light quantum yield, narrow light-response range and difficult separation. 但是,TiO2量子效率低、光谱响应范围窄和粉体难回收等缺点限制了其实际应用。